Australia on Disc Business Edition

Australia on Disc is an Australia-wide information database providing access to the names, addresses and phone numbers (and much more) of over 1 million+ Australian businesses

Australia On Disc is easy-to-use software that allows you to target, search & export records from our premier Australian Business Database. Searches can be made by state, suburb, postcode, business category and much more. The listings contain business names, numbers & further business details for over 1 million Australia businesses. It’s even possible to find and retrieve data based on phone numbers, fax numbers, street addresses, postcode ranges & more.

You are able to create lists upon lists of prospective customers and export them to any other application or output you require (such as Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets / Comma Delimited Format – .csv or a simple print out).

Giorgi Dalakishvili
World-Class Software Engineer